Saturday, August 17, 2019

Officials horrified after first graders get ahold of gun meant to protect school against mass shootings – Raw Story

Officials horrified after first graders get ahold of gun meant to protect school against mass shootings – Raw Story

Officials horrified after first graders get ahold of gun meant to protect school against mass shootings

Officials at an Ohio elementary school were shocked to learn that a gun stored on campus was found by two first-grade students who picked it up and removed it from its case, The Columbus Dispatch reports.

The incident took place at a district transportation office near Highland Elementary School in South Bloomfield Township in mid-March, but only recently came to light. News of the mishap has reportedly divided the community over arming teachers in schools.

According to reports, transportation director Vicky Nelson, who was trained as part of the district’s concealed carry program and allowed to have a gun on school grounds, left her firearm in an unlocked case as she went to the restroom. Also in the office was her grandson and the daughter of a co-worker, who were both first graders. When she returned from the restroom, she saw that the gun had been taken out of its case and left on the desk.

“I’m assuming that the child picked up the gun from behind the desk and had been holding it,” Superintendent Dan Freund said.

Freund reportedly removed Nelson from the concealed carry program this April and suspended her without pay for three days, but he didn’t report the incident to police, leaving Morrow County Sheriff John L. Hinton to find out about the incident only recently through someone’s Facebook post.

From The Columbus Dispatch: Officials horrified after first graders get ahold of gun meant to protect school against mass shootings – Raw Story