Thursday, August 8, 2019

First-Year Writing and the Gauntlet of Academic Citation | radical eyes for equity

First-Year Writing and the Gauntlet of Academic Citation | radical eyes for equity

First-Year Writing and the Gauntlet of Academic Citation

“How much we should emphasize academic citation in the first-year writing classroom has long been a matter of debate,” explains Jennie Youngdirector of the first-year writing program at University of Wisconsin at Green Bay. Then Young argues: “However, I’d like to take it one step further: I suggest that we stop teaching it entirely.”
I taught high school English for 18 years, much of that instruction focusing on teaching writing and preparing students for college. Since then, I have been a professor in higher education, including over a decade teaching (and briefly directing) first-year writing.
woman writing on notebook
Photo by J. Kelly Brito on Unsplash
Young’s provocative and compelling proposal speaks to many of the problems I have experienced with teaching first-year writing as well as with providing faculty the guidance and support they need to teach first-year writing (and writing in general)—especially those faculty outside the CONTINUE READING: First-Year Writing and the Gauntlet of Academic Citation | radical eyes for equity