Sunday, August 18, 2019

Enrique Baloyra: Homestead to Reopen; The Struggle Continues - YouTube

Homestead to reopen; the struggle continues - YouTube

Homestead to Reopen; The Struggle Continues

In the struggle against greed and racism, there are no victories. We celebrate milestones. A first black president. Marriage equality. We move the national discourse forward.
Make no mistake. The struggle is real, where billionaires and corporations control vast a propaganda machine that uses fear and hatred to divide us. They claim parents feeling terrorism and extreme poverty should make better choices for their children. They use words like “invasion” and “infestation.”
And there’s a small group of people who will continue to believe this propaganda, regardless of what facts they may be presented. No doubt they see themselves as virtuous. But there is no virtue in caging children. Or in oppressing minorities.
So it was no surprise this week when the Department of Health and Human Services announced it would be reopening the children’s interment camp at Homestead. It was never closed to begin with. All along they were anticipating “an uptick in the number of referrals made to HHS this fall, based on historical trends.”
Under this summer’s intense scrutiny by lawmakers and the media, HHS was forced to place over 3000 kids in just a few weeks. Critics question whether Caliburn, the company that holds the contract at the facility, was stalling, denying these children their basic human rights to maximize profits for their shareholders. And still the equation remains, “Where are the children?”
“The company’s current contract was awarded without competition around the same time [the president’s] former chief of staff, Gen. John Kelly, joined the company’s board of advisers, sparking requests for investigations by members of Congress, senators and House oversight committees.”
Caliburn’s contract is set to expire November 30. That’s the end of hurricane season. But by the looks of things around Homestead, they have no intention of going anywhere.
So, in the words of Dr. Melissa Harris Perry, the struggle continues, as it should. Whether that struggle is eternal remains to be seen, but one thing is clear.
That while we as a society continue to value money over people, there will always be another greedy bastard willing to separate children from their families if there’s a buck in it for them, regardless of the outcomes. Even if it means those children not recognizing their own mothers when they’re reunited.
And if history teaches us anything, this is only the beginning.

Homestead to reopen; the struggle continues - YouTube