Friday, August 9, 2019

CURMUDGUCATION: Guest Post: Please Treat Teachers Like Dirt

CURMUDGUCATION: Guest Post: Please Treat Teachers Like Dirt

Guest Post: Please Treat Teachers Like Dirt

Last week I posted a blog on about the Phi Delta Kappa annual report on education. This year it features a focus on teacher morale, and I pulled the quote "Tired of being treated like dirt." A reader-- Stacey Miller Chester-- wrote a reply on Facebook I just love, because I'm a sucker for good analogies and metaphors, and so I'm reprinting it here, with her permission:

May I be honest? 

I actually feel we aren't treated like dirt. 

"What?!" No, you read that right. We aren't treated like dirt. I'm a farm girl. I guarantee you that dirt is treated better than teachers. 

Dirt is indeed evaluated...regularly. If it's not producing as expected then the farmer acts quickly to determine the problem. Does it need fertilizer so that the quality of the plants it's responsible for CONTINUE READING: 
CURMUDGUCATION: Guest Post: Please Treat Teachers Like Dirt