Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Miseducation of the American Voter | Live Long and Prosper

The Miseducation of the American Voter | Live Long and Prosper

The Miseducation of the American Voter

John Merrow, the retired education journalist for PBS, recently wrote,
…public education is an efficient sorting machine that is undemocratic to its core. Schools sort young children in two basic groups: A minority is designated as ‘winners’ who are placed on a track leading to elite colleges, prominence and financial success. While the rest aren’t labeled ‘losers’ per se, they are largely left to struggle on their own. That experience leaves many angry, frustrated and resentful, not to mention largely unprepared for life in a complex, rapidly changing society…
The “losers” who aren’t really labeled “losers,” Merrow said, are the ones who find no reason to vote, and Merrow placed at least part of the blame on public education.
This practice [focusing on test scores] went into high gear with the passage of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. “Regurgitation education” became the order of the day. This approach rewards parroting back answers, while devaluing intellectual curiosity, cooperative learning, projects, field trips, the arts, physical education, and citizenship.
Education which focuses on test scores devalues critical thinking. Citizens who do not think critically cannot fully participate in our democracy…
…the end result is millions of graduates who were rewarded with diplomas CONTINUE READING: 
The Miseducation of the American Voter | Live Long and Prosper