Friday, July 12, 2019

Summer Reading/Bike Donations | The Merrow Report

Summer Reading/Bike Donations | The Merrow Report

Summer Reading/Bike Donations
First, let’s follow the money!  Apparently quite a few of you contributed to a favorite causes, including Planned Parenthood, Chess in the Schools, and the Network for Public Education.  From what was reported to me, the total seems to be just north of $8,000. Thank you, because having that public challenge provided a major incentive NOT to quit!   And, believe me, there were a few times during my 78-mile ride when my 78-year-old body cried out for a nap!
(Sorry to be so late with this news: We have had a houseful of family and, full disclosure, the Women’s World Cup was a very high priority in our home!)
Summer reading for education wonks:  My list includes David Kirp’s forthcoming CONTINUE READING: Summer Reading/Bike Donations | The Merrow Report