Monday, July 29, 2019

SomeDamPoet: What Happens to a Dream DFERed? (With Apologies to Langston Hughes) | Diane Ravitch's blog

SomeDamPoet: What Happens to a Dream DFERed? (With Apologies to Langston Hughes) | Diane Ravitch's blog

SomeDamPoet: What Happens to a Dream DFERed? (With Apologies to Langston Hughes)

Our blog poet wrote a poem about DFER (Democrats for Education Reform). DFER is a group of wealthy hedge fund managers who may or may not be Democrats, but who are committed to charter schools, test-based evaluation of teachers, high-stakes testing, merit pay, and Teach for America.
The Dream DFERed (with apologies o Langston Hughes)
What happens to a dream DFERed?
Does it disrupt
Like a test in a school?
Or fester like a Common Core–
Or techy tool?
Does it stink like stale pee?
Or rust and fade away-
like Michelle Rhee?
Maybe it just doubles down
like a billionaire
Or does it drown?