Saturday, July 27, 2019

Seattle Schools Community Forum: People For Seattle Are Telling Tales (and no surprise who's part of it)

Seattle Schools Community Forum: People For Seattle Are Telling Tales (and no surprise who's part of it)

People For Seattle Are Telling Tales (and no surprise who's part of it)
Math that doesnt make sense is my favorite kind of math.

It came to my attention that there was a recent article in The Stranger about linking the candidacies of both Zachary DeWolf and current CM Kshama Sawant who are both running for City Council in a flyer.

The flyer comes from the "People for Seattle" PAC.  It's a group that has no Facebook page, no Twitter handle and no way to contact them.  What they do have is a website that wants your name and your money.

Here's what caught my eye in the article:

Anyhow, after ticking off tired attacks against Sawant, the mailer highlights criticism of DeWolf's year on the Seattle School Board, claiming he "often missed important meetings and rarely met with parents." In an email, People for Seattle cite Melissa Westbrook's blog to back those claims. 
So I hit that link and nowhere did I say DeWolf has only been on the Board for just a year.  It's not true.  Have I called out his lackluster record and lack of community meetings? Yup.  But those nabobs of negativism at "People for Seattle" are not going to misrepresent what I have stated.

It comes as ZERO surprise to me that two of the people who are part of "People for Seattle" are former CM (and week-long mayor) Tim Burgess and former school board director (who strives mightily to make himself relevant) Stephan Blanford.

Blanford KNOWS that DeWolf has been in that position for two years - he was CONTINUE READING: 
Seattle Schools Community Forum: People For Seattle Are Telling Tales (and no surprise who's part of it)