Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Schooling in the Ownership Society: K12 Inc. Data Breach Puts thousands of students at risk

Schooling in the Ownership Society: K12 Inc. Data Breach Puts thousands of students at risk

K12 Inc. Data Breach Puts thousands of students at risk

It's hard to believe school districts are still contracting with this horrible company.

K12 Inc. is the largest for-profit online alternative to actual public schooling. Trump's Ed Secretary Betsy DeVos touts the company and other for-profit cyber charter schools as a viable alternative to public schools. But her support for K12 Inc. and other private companies that run them, may have more to do with her and her husband's investment portfolio than with any positive results for students.

The company has been rocked with scandal and has long been under investigation for its shady business dealings. Here's the latest...

A K12 Inc. company database that included information for 19,000 students was available for anyone with an internet connection to see for at least a week, according to a report from Comparitech, which describes itself as a pro-consumer organization that offers security services.
It's not clear that anyone with ill intentions accessed the information during the data exposure, which lasted from June 23 until July 1.
The data came from the for-profit virtual education provider's A+nyWhere Learning System, a software package used by more than CONTINUE READING: Schooling in the Ownership Society: K12 Inc. Data Breach Puts thousands of students at risk