Tuesday, July 30, 2019

New thoughts on Charter Schools…. | Deborah Meier on Education

New thoughts on Charter Schools…. | Deborah Meier on Education

New thoughts on Charter Schools….
Just took a long swim in my pond and feel restored—maybe to age…. 50?
I’ve been involved this past year in working with Steve Zimmerman, who has started two community-based charter schools in Queens. He’s helped me do some hard thinking about my divided loyalties.
On one hand I’m a fierce critic of privatizing K-12 schooling. Of course. And that includes all kinds of subtle forms of privatization and using public monies to make a profit off of educating young citizens. I’m also shocked by the many ways in which the corporate and philanthropic world has lied and cheated and abetted the growth of the “charter chains” which operate within the worst of all worlds. They are corporate-style operators with control resting in the hands of privately selected board members who live and operate worlds apart from the communities and families they make decisions for.
BUT. What about colleagues I know (like the late Ted Sizer) who started charter schools because, unlike me, no one in the public school world offered them a chance to have CONTINUE READING: New thoughts on Charter Schools…. | Deborah Meier on Education