Sunday, July 21, 2019

Laura Chapman on the Center for American Progress Plan to Return to the Bush-Obama Agenda | Diane Ravitch's blog

Laura Chapman on the Center for American Progress Plan to Return to the Bush-Obama Agenda | Diane Ravitch's blog

Laura Chapman on the Center for American Progress Plan to Return to the Bush-Obama Agenda

Laura Chapman has been doing research on the Center for American Progress, which the media views as the voice of the Democratic Party. This may be the most depressing thing you read today. It calls for a return to the principles of No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top. Both failed. CAP wants to resuscitate the worst features of both. Maybe CAP can persuade Arne Duncan to return as Secretary of Education. Then the disaster would be complete.
And here we go with the new progressive agenda for schools.
Almost every week Neera Tanden, President of the Center for American Progress (CAP) appears on television to opine about the presidential elections. Tanden is a former aide to Hillary Clinton. CAP is supposed to function as a think tank for Progressives, especially Democrats. On July 2, 2019, CAP published: A Quality Education for Every Child: A New Agenda for Education Policy.” The press release asserted: “The Next President’s Education Agenda Must Center Racial Disparities in Educational Opportunity.”
I have been studying this report. It is highly critical of K-12 education. It is also calculated to mislead casual readers. The authors claim the report is “a bold and comprehensive approach to K-12 education.” I think not. Many of CAP’s favored policies endorse two decades of federal demands for accountability. Think Arne Duncan and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (B&MGF).
CAP is on record as favoring teacher unions and higher pay for teachers, especially for those who work in low- CONTINUE READING: Laura Chapman on the Center for American Progress Plan to Return to the Bush-Obama Agenda | Diane Ravitch's blog

Laura Chapman: Who Are the K-12 Education Experts at the Center for American Progress? | Diane Ravitch's blog - via @dianeravitch