Thursday, June 13, 2019

WV MetroNews Weingarten says Senate leaders ignoring public on charter school issue - WV MetroNews

WV MetroNews Weingarten says Senate leaders ignoring public on charter school issue - WV MetroNews

Weingarten says Senate leaders ignoring public on charter school issue

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten says the Republican majority in the West Virginia State Senate should take a cue from what the AFT has been able to do in McDowell County when it comes to education reform.

Weingarten was on the picket lines with WV teachers in 2018 and earlier this year.
“We’ve actually done these things within the public school system and we’ve actually done these things with people in the community, with teachers, with community members, with students, not trying to impose something that takes money out,” Weingarten said.
She visited Charleston Wednesday to meet with the state Board of Education. Weingarten said she wanted to update the board on the success of the Reconnecting McDowell program with all the talk of education reform and the Senate-passed Student Success Act.
Weingarten, who walked picket lines with West Virginia teachers the past two years, said AFT and its partners have been able to meet the emotional and social needs of McDowell County students while engaging them in the instruction they need.
Weingarten, during an appearance Wednesday on MetroNews CONTINUE READING: WV MetroNews Weingarten says Senate leaders ignoring public on charter school issue - WV MetroNews
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Randi Weingarten