Monday, June 3, 2019

The "X"odus Files: Toxic Stress and Accountability. | BustED Pencils

The "X"odus Files: Toxic Stress and Accountability. | BustED Pencils

The “X”odus Files: Toxic Stress and Accountability.

Last night I posted this on my personal Facebook page.
How many of our colleagues need to take medication, pursue counseling, have their own families disrupted, and then finally quit teaching before we can say, “accountabilityis the poison?”
Slekar Facebook
The reason for posting this came as I was combing over my survey results regarding the teacher “X”odus. The shear volume of respondents that openly shared their experience with workplace induced anxiety leading to mental health counseling and medication was striking. In addition, there were multiple stories of family disruptions—some even resulting separation and divorce.
This in turn led me to do some research to see if there was national data to support my