Friday, June 28, 2019

THE “BETTER ANGELS” OF OUR NATURE | DCGEducator: Doing The Right Thing

THE “BETTER ANGELS” OF OUR NATURE | DCGEducator: Doing The Right Thing


The odd couple sat on the stage next to the nervous moderator. Ray Warrick,a stocky, white, tough linebacker type from Cincinnati sat on the left. Hawk Newsome, a 6’5 black, tough defensive end type from the Bronx sat in the middle. Neither looked the Kumbaya type.
Ray Warrick, once an ordinary guy who raged against the machine of politicians he could no longer trust, now finds himself the head of the Tea Party in Cincinnati.
Hawk Newsome, who as a youth, dropped out of high school yet pushed forward and earned a GED, Bachelor of Science, and law degree, now is the President of the NYC chapter of Black Lives Matters.
But this was not what you might predict, an “Ebony and Ivory” yellathon. They are both activists unhappy with the status quo.  They are quite angry with government officials and police who forget their responsibility to us, the citizens.  While they both rage against the machine as they each see fit, they do not rage at each other. They are Better Angels.
How many times did you hear, when you were younger and dragged to some holiday gathering, never to discuss money, religion and politics with other people, then sit at the holiday meal table like a good little boy or girl and watch the adults in the room start to raise their voices, yell, curse, and threaten violence CONTINUE READING: THE “BETTER ANGELS” OF OUR NATURE | DCGEducator: Doing The Right Thing