Friday, June 28, 2019

School Board Member Strikes Out in Attempt to Change Board Rules

School Board Member Strikes Out in Attempt to Change Board Rules

School Board Member Strikes Out in Attempt to Change Board Rules

I’d love to suspend all the board rules for one year
– LAUSD Board President Monica Garcia
Despite the fact that Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Board Member Nick Melvoin has still not held a single public meeting for his secret rules committee, another vote was scheduled Tuesday for the full board to ratify its work product. Like on the two other occasions that these proposed changes came before the board, action on them was postponed to a future meeting. However, brand new board member Jackie Goldberg was able to persuade a majority of the board to approve a subsection of these rules. In protest of his entire package being pushed aside, Melvoin voted against the very rules that he had helped to craft.
Without input from the public that Melvoin has been elected to represent, it is not surprising that his proposed rules changes would not do anything to make meetings more accessible to the public. While most other neighboring schools districts hold their meetings when school is not in session, the LAUSD will continue to hold theirs during times when teachers, students and a majority of working parents cannot attend. After public complaints, the attempt to reduce the speaking time for members of the public continues to be abandoned. However, the rule that allows board members to ask CONTINUE READING: School Board Member Strikes Out in Attempt to Change Board Rules