Monday, June 3, 2019

K-12 Education: Democrats Must Choose Between Plans Of Biden and Sanders | Real Learning CT

K-12 Education: Democrats Must Choose Between Plans Of Biden and Sanders | Real Learning CT

K-12 Education: Democrats Must Choose Between Plans Of Biden and Sanders

Image result for Biden and Sanders
Two plans about how to improve K-12 are before us. Which one are we to choose, which one are the Democrats to choose: Bernie Sanders’ plan or Joe Biden’s plan?
Both candidates presented their plans as centerpieces of their campaigns, Sanders announcing his on the 65thanniversary of Brown vs. the Board of Education, the landmark case making school segregation unlawful, and Biden making his plan the first policy rollout of his 2020 campaign. The differences in the plans tell us about both candidates and give the Democratic Party a choice about where to make its stand about K-12 education.
Difference #1: Biden and Sanders give two different views about teachers.                
Joe Biden sees teachers as suffering financially, stating incorrectly that “public school teachers’ average weekly wage hasn’t increased since 1996” and calling for using Title I funds (federal money targeted for at-risk schools) to increase their pay. Biden’s pledge is to “support our educators by giving them the pay and dignity they deserve”.  It is not just pay he wants to give teachers but also dignity.
Sanders seeks a different way to fund the same need for increased teacher CONTINUE READING: K-12 Education: Democrats Must Choose Between Plans Of Biden and Sanders | Real Learning CT