Friday, June 28, 2019

John Thompson: Did We Ever Disagree? He Says We Did. | Diane Ravitch's blog

John Thompson: Did We Ever Disagree? He Says We Did. | Diane Ravitch's blog

John Thompson: Did We Ever Disagree? He Says We Did.

John Thompson says we used to disagree, but he has come around. My memory is not what it used to be, but I recall that he took issue with my use of the term “corporate reformers.” He used to think that the “reformers” were trying to help and just needed the hand of friendship extended to them. Now he thinks otherwise.
He knows that I tried to meet Bill Gates when I visited Seattle. My requests were always rebuffed. There are just so many times you can try without getting a message that the meeting will happen never.
He ponders in this post whether I hurt reformers’ feelings and whether I should care.
Ravitch acknowledged that “reformers say I am ‘mean’ or ‘harsh’ when I say that some ‘reformers’ have a profit motive or that their grand plans actually hurt poor minority children instead of helping them.” She had been told, “Bill Gates was very hurt by my comments about his effort to remake American education. He frankly could not understand how anyone could question his good intentions.” But Ravitch had never questioned his intentions, even though she “certainly question[s] his judgment and his certainty that he can ‘fix’ education by creating metrics to judge teachers.”
Ravitch confessed to being less worried about the CONTINUE READING: John Thompson: Did We Ever Disagree? He Says We Did. | Diane Ravitch's blog