Monday, June 17, 2019

Florida: Politicians Fund Anti-LGBT Schools | Diane Ravitch's blog

Florida: Politicians Fund Anti-LGBT Schools | Diane Ravitch's blog

Florida: Politicians Fund Anti-LGBT Schools

In Florida, the Governor and legislators proclaim their love of “equality,” as they funnel millions of public dollars to religious schools that openly discriminate against LGBT students. 
The state currently spends $1 billion a year on vouchers and the Legislature recently voted to expand them.
During pride month, Florida politicians love talking about their passion for equality.
They’re much less eager to talk about the anti-equality programs they fund the rest of the year — specifically millions of public dollars they send to schools that discriminate against LGBT families and even expel students who say they’re gay.
At one of Florida’s approved voucher schools in Brevard County, for example, being gay is actually the only expellable offense listed in the school’s “ethics” policy.
Lying, cheating and destruction of school property are also bad, according to the Merritt Island Christian School student handbook — but only to the extent that they’re listed as “Class II infractions” worthy of punishments like a five-day suspension.