Sunday, June 16, 2019

Ed Notes Online: NYC Parents, kids, advocates, union members and elected officials rally for smaller classes

Ed Notes Online: NYC Parents, kids, advocates, union members and elected officials rally for smaller classes

NYC Parents, kids, advocates, union members and elected officials rally for smaller classes

Note in particular Councilman Mark Trager's comments (starting at 4:10) where he exposes the folly of the differentiation of instructions with high class sizes.

The UFT sent one rep. His comments are at 24:06. There was a retired teacher meeting attended by 500 people just a few blocks away starting at 1PM and some could have been urged to attend. But the class size issue is not a priority item in the lexicon of the UFT leadership as it would if they made it an issue in contract negotiations.

Watch what they do, not what they say.

Class Size Press Conf City Hall June 11 2019 from GEM/Education Notes on Vimeo.

Here are Leonie's reports - and don't forget her Skinny Award dinner this Wednesday.

We held a very successful rally  - thanks to all of you who came!
There were 100+ parents, kids, and advocates who filled the steps of City
Hall. Gale Brewer and several CMs spoke about the importance of reducing CONTINUE READING: 
Ed Notes Online: NYC Parents, kids, advocates, union members and elected officials rally for smaller classes