Monday, June 10, 2019

Don’t Blame Trump, DeVos, or Unions for Growing Opposition to Charter Schools | Dissident Voice

Don’t Blame Trump, DeVos, or Unions for Growing Opposition to Charter Schools | Dissident Voice

Don’t Blame Trump, DeVos, or Unions for Growing Opposition to Charter Schools

While billionaires Donald Trump and Betsy DeVos can take some of the “blame” for an uptick in broad opposition to the nation’s 7,000 non-profit and for-profit charter schools, resistance to privately-operated charter schools has been building for nearly three decades.
Opposition to segregated, test-obsessed, and unaccountable charter schools that fleece the public treasury is not new. Many defenders of public education and the public interest have been consistently exposing and criticizing charter schools for a long time.
If anything, billionaires Trump and DeVos have served mainly as catalysts for simmering resistance to deregulated charter schools that transfer publicwealth to private interests. It was just a matter of time before this opposition took hold and became more visible and powerful.
Neoliberals and privatizers are unable and unwilling to comprehend all of this because, objectively, they can only see phenomena from a narrow capital-centered view. Looking at phenomena from the perspective of the public interest does not make sense to them.
In short, stiff and more discernable resistance to charter schools was inevitable, with or without Trump and DeVos.
Mounting opposition to charter schools stems mainly from the stubborn fact that charter schools are plagued by and cause many endless problems that are profound and impossible to cover up. No amount of disinformation, lies, CONTINUE READING: Don’t Blame Trump, DeVos, or Unions for Growing Opposition to Charter Schools | Dissident Voice