Tuesday, June 11, 2019

BILL AYERS: about Becoming a Teacher | Teachers College Press

about Becoming a Teacher 9780807761496 | Teachers College Press

BILL AYERS: about Becoming a Teacher

about Becoming a Teacher

Publication Date: April 5, 2019
Pages: 96

Education activist William Ayers invites new and prospective teachers to consider the deepest dimensions of a life in teaching. Should I become a teacher? How can I get to know my students? What commitments come with me into the classroom? How do I develop my unique teaching signature? In his new book, about Becoming A Teacher, Ayers muses on 10 such questions (and a little more) to shape and structure an indispensable guide that features hands-on advice and concrete examples of classroom practice, including curriculum-making, building relationships with students and parents, fostering an effective learning environment, and teaching toward freedom. This brilliant and concise text offers a conception of teaching as both practical art and essentially ethical practice.