Wednesday, June 26, 2019

As usual, a lack of transparency and accountability in DC’s public and charter schools | GFBrandenburg's Blog

As usual, a lack of transparency and accountability in DC’s public and charter schools | GFBrandenburg's Blog

As usual, a lack of transparency and accountability in DC’s public and charter schools

All that is laid out in detail by Valerie Jarrett.
Here is her article:
Tomorrow, Wednesday June 26, the city council will hold a hearing on two bills, which are generally aimed at budget transparency in our publicly funded schools—most notably, for better recording and tracking of all public funds, especially at risk funds. The latter are supposed to supplement, not supplant, other expenditures in our schools, to target resources to meet the needs of the most vulnerable children in our city.
(See here and here for each bill–0046 and 0239, respectively. School data expert Mary Levy has a good redline version of DC Code to show what would change with each.)
Transparency in at risk funding in DC’s publicly funded schools has been historically bad. While it has reported its use of at risk funds generally, DCPS has repeatedly not followed the law regarding use of the money. Charter schools, on the other hand, have only voluntarily reported their use of at risk money–and the incomplete reporting in available documents varies wildly, with CONTINUE READING: As usual, a lack of transparency and accountability in DC’s public and charter schools | GFBrandenburg's Blog