Saturday, May 25, 2019

Thousands of Charter Schools Perform Poorly | Dissident Voice

Thousands of Charter Schools Perform Poorly | Dissident Voice

Thousands of Charter Schools Perform Poorly

“Performance-based accountability” is a hackneyed, Skinnerian, neoliberal buzz-phrase often repeated dogmatically by charter school promoters in order to falsely claim that privately-operated nonprofit and for-profit charter schools are more accountable and higher-performing than public schools.
But it is becoming clearer to everyone with each passing day that charter school promoters have long vastly over-promised and under-delivered, while rapidly enriching themselves at the expense of students, parents, the public, the economy, and the national interest.
Extensive research, including research funded by billionaire charter school supporters, has consistently demonstrated that poor performance remains widespread in the scandal-ridden low-transparency charter school sector that intensifies segregation.
Year after year, thousands of privately-operated nonprofit and for-profit charter schools, which have been around nearly 30 years, deliver unimpressive results.
Not surprisingly, several thousand charter schools have failed and closed since 1991. At this time, about 150-200 charter schools close each year, leaving thousands of families—mostly African Americans and Latinx—betrayed and angry.
Below, in chronological order, is a tiny sample of the many studies exposing poor charter school performance in many states:
Many other studies could be cited. In addition, serious, reliable, and seasoned CONTINUE READING: Thousands of Charter Schools Perform Poorly | Dissident Voice