Sunday, May 12, 2019

Texas Pays TFA $5.5 Million A Year For 400 Recruits | Gary Rubinstein's Blog

Texas Pays TFA $5.5 Million A Year For 400 Recruits | Gary Rubinstein's Blog

Texas Pays TFA $5.5 Million A Year For 400 Recruits

The title of this post says it all.  I’ve learned that for the past 2 years Texas taxpayers have been subsidizing TFA about $6 million a year and that for the next two years, through 2021, they are scheduled to receive $5.5 million a year.
You can see the official document here.
And here is the relevant text on page 218:
Screen Shot 2019-05-11 at 10.10.15 PM.png
This is quite a sum of money.  TFA provides the state with a report that makes it seem like they are doing a lot with this money, but considering that they recruit about 400 corps members into Texas and only 85% of them even finish their two year commitment, this is a big waste of money.  This is about $15,000 per recruit, and that doesn’t include whatever finders fees the districts themselves pay.
Texas didn’t always pay TFA so much money for their services so what would happen if CONTINUE READING: Texas Pays TFA $5.5 Million A Year For 400 Recruits | Gary Rubinstein's Blog