Monday, May 20, 2019

Scholarship Opportunity: Are you a Proud #PublicSchoolGrad? | Schott Foundation for Public Education

Scholarship Opportunity: Are you a Proud #PublicSchoolGrad? | Schott Foundation for Public Education

Scholarship Opportunity: Are you a Proud #PublicSchoolGrad?

Local public schools and their educators have produced America’s most brilliant artists, scientists, doctors, musicians, lawyers, presidents, and more — people from all walks of life, contributing to society in countless ways.
Are you or someone you know graduating in 2019 from a public high school? Help us lift up the importance of public education — with a chance to win a $1,000 college scholarship!

What you'll need to enter:
  • Information about you (name, birthday, name of the public school you're graduating from, etc.)
  • A photo of you holding this Proud #PublicSchoolGrad sign (or make your own with the same text!), in your cap and gown if possible
  • A few sentences describing a teacher you had who positively impacted or inspired you
  • If you're under 18, permission from your parents
A panel of judges will review all entries and pick a winner for the $1,000 scholarship. The contest is open now and runs until June 30, 2019.

Are you a Proud #PublicSchoolGrad? Enter today! >

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Scholarship Opportunity: Are you a Proud #PublicSchoolGrad? | Schott Foundation for Public Education