Monday, May 27, 2019

SAT Adversity Score is an Antidote to Poison None of Us Need Take | gadflyonthewallblog

SAT Adversity Score is an Antidote to Poison None of Us Need Take | gadflyonthewallblog

SAT Adversity Score is an Antidote to Poison None of Us Need Take
Let’s say someone gave you a vial of poison.
Would you drink it? Of course not.
What if he gave you the antidote, too. Would you take the poison then?
Heck no!
Why would anyone knowingly ingest poison even if they knew they could counteract its effects?
But that’s pretty much the situation high school students across the country are in today with the SAT test.
The College Board has admitted that the test unfairly assesses students – especially poor and minority students. However, if we add an “adversity score” to the raw score, then voila! Fairness!
The organization is piloting a program at 150 colleges and universities to adjust SAT CONTINUE READING: SAT Adversity Score is an Antidote to Poison None of Us Need Take | gadflyonthewallblog