Thursday, May 2, 2019

Education Research Report TODAY

Education Research Report

Education Research Report TODAY


Gallup Poll: 54% Say Teachers Unprepared to Handle Discipline

Less than half of U.S. adults (43%) believe teachers are "very prepared" or "prepared" to handle discipline issues in the classroom -- while a slight majority, 54%, say they are "unprepared" or "very unprepared." When asked about six possible solutions to address discipline issues in schools, six in 10 Americans, the most for any solution suggested, say greater access to mental health services fo
Schools in high-poverty areas, which children of color disproportionately attend, most need the repairs that correlate with improved academic achievement

Summer is often a time to repair and improve school buildings or finish building new ones, but the nation’s K-12 schools — especially in low-income neighborhoods — have been neglected for years. The coming onset of summer provides a timely reminder that states should move more forcefully to help address the need. State cuts to K-12 education over the past decade have affected more than school ope
A Weak Defense of a Useless Report

In April, the National Education Policy Center published a review of a Mackinac Center for Public Policy report entitled The Michigan Context and Performance Report Card: High Schools 2018 . The report is the fourth in a series ranking Michigan high schools based on their test scores while controlling for the percentage of students eligible for free school lunches. These Mackinac reports have bee


Young children who are exposed to large amounts of adult speech tend to have better cognitive skills

Researchers have found that young children who are exposed to large amounts of adult speech tend to have better cognitive skills. The major new study, led by researchers at the University of York, identified a link between kids who heard high quantities of adult speech and their nonverbal abilities such as reasoning, numeracy and shape awareness. The researchers gained unprecedented insight into
Are Public School Teachers Adequately Compensated? xx

It is difficult to definitively answer the question of whether public school teachers are adequately compensated. To provide context for understanding the research on the adequacy of teacher compensation, this Center on Education Policy brie f describes how the public K-12 education system is funded (including how events how the Great Recession impact teacher compensation) and highlights recent a

How States are Responding to ESSA’s Evidence Requirements for School Improvement

This report, based on interviews with officials from seven state departments of education, explores state efforts to assist local educators with selecting evidence-based interventions to improve low-performing schools. The report