Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Jesse Hagopian to Appear on Second Season of HBO’s “Problem Areas” with Wyatt Cenac – I AM AN EDUCATOR

Jesse Hagopian to Appear on Second Season of HBO’s “Problem Areas” with Wyatt Cenac – I AM AN EDUCATOR

Jesse Hagopian to Appear on Second Season of HBO’s “Problem Areas” with Wyatt Cenac

Season 2 of Problem Areas Premieres on HBO Friday, April 5th
The great comedian and writer Wyatt Cenac, formerly a correspondent on The Daily Show, hosts the HBO show Problem Areas.  The first season of the show focused on policing in America, because as he says, “the delicious rise of ramen restaurants was already taken.” The season featured several authors, organizers, and activists throughout the season that commented on different topics related to police brutality and accountability that Wyatt raised as he traveled the country.  The show raised many important issues about the systemic nature of police violence that aren’t often discussed in mainstream media.
Wyatt is focusing on education for the entire second season of Problem Areas.  I will join other authors, activists and educators–many who have stood up against corporate education reform and institutional racism, and fought for fully funded community schools–as a commentator on the program.
The second season of Problem Areas airs on HBO every Friday evening at 9:00pm Pacific, 11:00pm Eastern, beginning on April 5th.  I don’t know what exactly will happen with the final product of the show or what the overall message will be, but I can CONTINUE READING: