Monday, April 8, 2019

CURMUDGUCATION: WV: Lukewarm Charter Baloney and The Questions To Ask

CURMUDGUCATION: WV: Lukewarm Charter Baloney and The Questions To Ask

WV: Lukewarm Charter Baloney and The Questions To Ask

West Virginia remains one of the untapped market for the ed reformster business, and privatizers are determined to keep hammering away.

The most recent attempt involved a little bit of legislative extortion, as lawmakers tried using teacher raises as the sweetener in a bill intended to finally open West Virginia to both charter schools and education savings accounts (aka vouchers). West Virginia teachers were not only unmoved by this cheap maneuver, but they walked out again in a strike that could best be summarized as "No, seriously, when we walked out that last time, we meant it. Also, we're still paying attention ."

As you might imagine, that was not the end of it. Just this morning, the business editor of the State Journal is floating a warmed-over medley of Charter's Greatest Hits. This matters because after the failure of the omnibus education bill (aka giant poop sandwich), the governor decided that the legislature needed to come back for a special session on education. Said Senate President Mitchell Carmichael, "His call into a special session will give all 134 members of the Legislature the time they need outside of the day-to-day pressures of the regular session to be in their communities meeting face to face with the people who will be most affected by these issues." i'm sure that's it, and not something else like, for instance, a hope that maybe later Certain People won't be paying quite so much attention to what the legislature is up to.

But this morning's editorial is a compendium of chartery baloney fried leftovers. For West Virginians CONTINUE READING: 
CURMUDGUCATION: WV: Lukewarm Charter Baloney and The Questions To Ask