Tuesday, April 9, 2019

CURMUDGUCATION: Freedom and Indignity

CURMUDGUCATION: Freedom and Indignity

Freedom and Indignity

The ed reform movement has always had a language problem, starting with the word "reform," which does not really adequately describe a movement built on privatization and corporate takeover.

There have been other casualties along the way. I've railed long and fruitlessly about the continued use of "student achievement" and "teacher effectiveness" when what we really mean is "high scores on a narrow standardized test." Most recently we've had "personalized learning," which is not exactly learning and is certainly not personalized.

Now, the reformsters are coming for "freedom."

It's not the first time. Charter operators insisted that they needed non-union teachers so that those teachers would be free of terrible restrictions. Liberated from their union chains, teachers would be free to work eighty hour weeks, free to be paid poorly, free to be fired for any reason at any time.

Now Betsy DeVos has re-rebranded vouchers as Educational Freedom.

If you want to understand the freedom involved here, it helps to find a libertarian because they are generally willing to say the quiet part out loud. Here, for instance, is Kerry McDonald, a Havard GSE-certified "educational analyst" for both the Heartland Institute and the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE). It's for FEE that she wrote "Compulsory Schooling  Laws Aren't Progressive; They're Inhumane."

McDonald would like to end compulsory attendance laws as a necessary step on the path to
CURMUDGUCATION: Freedom and Indignity