Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Albany Times-Union: Save the Pep Rallies for What Really Matters, Not for Testing | Diane Ravitch's blog

Albany Times-Union: Save the Pep Rallies for What Really Matters, Not for Testing | Diane Ravitch's blog

Albany Times-Union: Save the Pep Rallies for What Really Matters, Not for Testing

The editorial board of the Albany Times-Union editorial board is one of the wisest in the nation. It understands, as few other editorial boards do, that the annual standardized tests are a waste of instructional time that do nothing to help students. Their only error in this editorial is to assume that the tests measure school performance. They don’t. They measure school demographics, which can be obtained without the testing.
Which word or words best describe some schools’ approach to last week’s state English tests for grades three through eight?
(a) misguided
(b) disappointing
(c) both of the above
Take out your No. 2 pencil and bubble in (c). New York has been working hard to make testing better. But last week’s reports of how schools are incentivizing test participation show we have a long way to go.
Some schools.. have dangled a deal in front of their students: Take the statewide English and math tests and you’ll get out of taking your core subject finals in June. Other schools have promised pizza parties if enough students take the tests or have held pep rallies to encourage them. 
Still others have taken a sterner approach, pressuring parents or doing away with “refusal rooms” for students whose parents opted them out…
All of these approaches are troubling.
Let’s recall what the tests are for. They aren’t a measure of children’s progress. They’re a measure of schools’ performance. They’re not designed to help the kids who take them, at least not directly. The results don’t even arrive till the next school year…
Instead, these assessments — mandated, along with a minimum 95 percent participation rate, under federal law — have warped the curriculum, chipping away at social CONTINUE READING: Albany Times-Union: Save the Pep Rallies for What Really Matters, Not for Testing | Diane Ravitch's blog