Friday, March 8, 2019

I Assign my Students Homework Despite Scant Research It Does Any Good | gadflyonthewallblog

I Assign my Students Homework Despite Scant Research It Does Any Good | gadflyonthewallblog

I Assign my Students Homework Despite Scant Research It Does Any Good

In academic circles the debate over homework rages on.
Does it actually help students learn or does it just cause undue stress and frustration for children and parents?
As a teacher and a parent, I see both sides of the issue.
In class, I assign my students homework every week – Monday through Thursday. Never on the weekends.
My daughter’s teacher does the same. So at home, I’m on the receiving end, spending hours with my little munchkin helping her get through mountains of assignments for her classes the next day.
Perhaps this is what they mean by the proverb – you reap what you sow. Except my daughter isn’t doing the homework I assigned. She isn’t in my class and we don’t even live in the district where I teach.
But it sometimes does feel like payback plodding through seemingly endless elementary worksheets, spelling words and vocabulary.
After a while, even I begin to question whether any of this junk does any good.