Friday, March 8, 2019

Eli Broad weighs in at last minute with $100,000 donation in L.A. school board race - Los Angeles Times

Eli Broad weighs in at last minute with $100,000 donation in L.A. school board race - Los Angeles Times

Eli Broad weighs in at last minute with $100,000 donation in L.A. school board race
Philanthropist Eli Broad inserted himself into a pivotal Los Angeles school board race at the last second this week, making the largest individual donation to any candidate.
Broad’s $100,000 didn’t go directly to a candidate for the open District 5 seat, but to a union running its own campaign on behalf of Heather Repenning. Such independent campaigns have no donation limits.
The election day contribution went to a political action committee run by Local 99 of Service Employees International, which represents school district employees. Broad has frequently opposed unions politically.
Local 99’s ideological alliances have sometimes shifted. It has typically supported board members running for reelection regardless of who else supports them.
Repenning’s campaign is currently on hold as more than 4,700 ballots still are being counted. She is just behind Graciela Ortiz, in a virtual tie, for the second spot in a May 14 runoff for the office; after the initial vote count on Tuesday, only 53 votes separated them. Only one of them will make it to the ballot to face Jackie Goldberg, who far outpaced all other candidates.
In Tuesday’s vote, Repenning and Ortiz finished about 35 percentage points behind Goldberg, who nearly won a majority of votes, which would have eliminated the need for a continue reading: Eli Broad weighs in at last minute with $100,000 donation in L.A. school board race - Los Angeles Times