Friday, March 15, 2019

Badass Teachers Association Blog: Public Education Funding MUST become a National Priority!

Badass Teachers Association Blog: Public Education Funding MUST become a National Priority!

Public Education Funding MUST become a National Priority!

It is clear that President Trump has an agenda that does not support public education. His recent budget proposal is evidence of this. This year’s 2019 budget proposal includes the following cuts: - $2 billion from the Supporting Effective Instruction State Grant Program - $1.2 billion from Afterschool programs - $1.2 billion from Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grant - $29 million from Arts in Education - $17.6 million from the Special Olympic - $840 million from Supplemental Opportunity Grants - $630 million from the Federal Work Study Program Additionally, Trump is proposing $5 billion for the expansion and creation of new private school voucher programs in the form of tax credit scholarships. It is a fact that our public school system can not sustain budgetary cuts of this size. The truth is, the Federal Government actually owes our states and our schools millions, if not billions, of dollars in IDEA funding. We need our Federal Legislators to speak out against this budget proposal and demand a shift in the prioritization of spending that puts the focus on our future. Our BATs Board of Directors had a few comments about the recent budget proposal. Cutting education funding is a symbol of how much disdain this administration has for public education. It is clear that with Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education, this administration will continue to push neoliberal privatization policies that weaken the ability of states to provide high-quality public education for all. If we truly want to see America be a great country, we must invest in a democratic free public education system that provides equity to the most marginalized children and their families. Denisha Jones, Assistant Executive Director, BATS Why would Trump make radical cuts to public education in his proposed budget? Trump’s cuts to public education are a direct attack on democracy, freedom, and equality. Public education creates a well-educated civil society, a society engaged and informed in our democracy, and America’s best hope for equality. A well educated society is an existential threat to Trump’s authoritarian world view. DeVos plans to remove the separation between church and State by any means necessary. These draconian budget cuts, along with the Trump and DeVos’ policies, are further steps that would deliver America deeper into authoritarianism. We must protect our public schools by refusing Trump’s budget and their policies. Susan DuFresne, Director, BATs If budgets are moral documents, this budget is evidence of the moral bankruptcy of this CONTINUE READING: Badass Teachers Association Blog: Public Education Funding MUST become a National Priority!