Monday, March 25, 2019

Amy O’Rourke’s Charter School Dropped Two Grade Levels That It Still Advertises | deutsch29

Amy O’Rourke’s Charter School Dropped Two Grade Levels That It Still Advertises | deutsch29

Amy O’Rourke’s Charter School Dropped Two Grade Levels That It Still Advertises

In listening to a news report on presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke’s wife, Amy Sanders O’Rourke, I caught a quick mention of her having started a charter school in El Paso, Texas.
La Fe Preparatory School is the name. O’Rourke drafted the application in December 2006.
According to the La Fe Prep website, the school serves grades K-8. However, it seems that the site is not up-to date; the downloadable application is for the 2017-18 school year, and the latest news on the school, this KFOX14 news report dated July 24, 2018, indicates that La Fe Prep dropped grades 7 and 8 “according to parents”:
La Fe Preparatory School is downsizing, according to parents. They tell us they had been hearing rumors and finally got it confirmed.
“We were hearing rumors they weren’t sure there was going to be middle school. But we weren’t 100% sure yet,” Katherine Juarez, a parent at the school, said. “So just in case I went ahead and I put her in a different middle school.”
Juarez already enrolled her daughter into public school to be prepared for the changes.
KFOX14 reached out multiple times to the school’s public information officer to find out why the school was downsizing but never heard back.
The La Fe Prep website includes no mention of Amy O’Rourke as principal, though she is listed as principal in this Texas Tribune school search engine. CONTINUE READING: Amy O’Rourke’s Charter School Dropped Two Grade Levels That It Still Advertises | deutsch29