Thursday, February 21, 2019

Online Therapy in Schools? Privacy and Quality Concerns

Online Therapy in Schools? Privacy and Quality Concerns

Online Therapy in Schools? Privacy and Quality Concerns

Most of us are concerned when we hear of a credit card data breach in a store or company where we do business. Many parents are also troubled about academic and social-emotional behavioral online assessment data collected about their children in school.
But what about your child surrendering their personal and sensitive information in an outsourced, online, school therapy session?
Some public schools are using online mental health, occupational, physical, and speech therapy services. Teletherapy involves linking a distant clinician to a client for assessment, intervention, and/or consultation.
This raises all kinds of quality and privacy concerns.
  • Who’s the clinician?
  • Where did they go to school?
  • Do they have an adequate degree?
  • Where are they living?
  • Do they have huge caseloads?
  • How are they paid?
  • Is it about school budget cuts?
  • How is privacy addressed?
  • Who sees the information?
  • Where is the information stored?
  • Will it follow the student forever?
  • Who’s monitoring how online therapy is handled in school?
Here is the ad for eLuma who provide these services to schools across the country. Whether you are looking for Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy (OT), Physical  CONTINUE READING: Online Therapy in Schools? Privacy and Quality Concerns