Thursday, February 28, 2019

Linda Darling-Hammond at AASA: Testing Is Not Reform | Diane Ravitch's blog

Linda Darling-Hammond at AASA: Testing Is Not Reform | Diane Ravitch's blog

Linda Darling-Hammond at AASA: Testing Is Not Reform

The newly appointed chair of the California State Board of Education Linda Darling-Hammond spoke to the national conference of the American Association of School Administrators (the School Superintendents Association) and denounced the American reliance on high-stakes testing as a reform strategy.
If America wants to be the world leader in education, then it should look to other countries as a model for success, says Linda Darling-Hammond, a leading educational researcher, in her Thought Leader session Thursday at the AASA national conference.
Countries such as Finland and Singapore have been among the highest-scoring countries in international comparisons. Unlike the United States, these countries provide broad support for children’s welfare, said Darling-Hammond, president and CEO of the Learning Policy Institute in Palo Alto, Calif.
“They take care of children. Health care is usually universal. There is income security and (state-paid) preschool,” she told a room full of superintendents, education advocates and business leaders at the AASA conference. In effect, those countries educate “the whole child,” she said.
Darling-Hammond was the keynote speaker for the AASA Sobol Lecture, named for the late New York education leader Thomas Sobol, a vehement supporter of equity in education and for involving parents and teachers in policymaking decisions affecting classrooms. Sobol passed away in 2015.
With more than 25 books and research articles on education, Darling-Hammond is influential in CONTINUE READING: Linda Darling-Hammond at AASA: Testing Is Not Reform | Diane Ravitch's blog