Saturday, February 23, 2019

John White Speaks at a San Francisco TFA Board Meeting… for the Benefit of Louisiana | deutsch29

John White Speaks at a San Francisco TFA Board Meeting… for the Benefit of Louisiana | deutsch29

John White Speaks at a San Francisco TFA Board Meeting… for the Benefit of Louisiana

According to a Louisiana ethics filing dated January 16, 2019, Louisiana state superintendent John White spoke in San Francisco, California, at a Teach for America (TFA) board meeting on January 09, 2019, and was comped by TFA for his lodging ($1,186.75) and transportation ($605.33).
The particular ethics form for the filing above has undergone a revision as of August 2018; the form it replaced used to require the signature and seal of a notary. That is no longer true.
Now, it’s only White certifying himself.
As his own agency head, White now approves his own attendance and certifies that his speaking at a TFA board meeting “is of direct benefit to the agency” (the “agency” being the Louisiana Department of Education).
Next, as the public servant for the agency, White was also able to attest that his own agency-head declaration was “true to the best of his (“public servant,” not “agency head”) knowledge” by signing as the public servant for the agency of which he is the agency head.
Of course, one might rightly wonder how, exactly, John White’s speaking at a TFA board meeting in San Francisco is of benefit to the Louisiana Department of Education.
My ready guess is that the reverse is true– that it is LDOE benefiting TFA through offering TFA contracts with LDOE and through employing TFA alumni at LDOE.
White is a TFA alum whose has never stopped championing TFA, the single org  CONTINUE READING: John White Speaks at a San Francisco TFA Board Meeting… for the Benefit of Louisiana | deutsch29