Tuesday, February 12, 2019

How NCLB is Still Destroying Reading for Children 

How NCLB is Still Destroying Reading for Children 

How NCLB is Still Destroying Reading for Children
NCLB was a bi-partisan bill signed into law in 2002 during the Bush administration’s push for school reform.
We now recognize how punitive the bill was, its troubling use of one-size-fits-all standardized testing to demonize and close public schools, the punitive AYP and “highly qualified” teacher credentialing changes, the unrealistic predictions that all children would be proficient in reading by 2014, and the push for unproven charters and choice.
NCLB also created terrible changes when it came to reading instruction, and the impacts are still felt today by children across the country.
Many parents and educators have forgotten, or never heard of, Reading First, NCLB’s reading program which was an abysmal failure. Kappan Washington columnist Anne C. Lewis called it “the U.S. Department of Education’s ‘little Enron’ scandal.”
They continue to embrace the recommendations by the same individuals who were connected to failed NCLB policy and the scandalous Reading First initiative!
They subscribe to harmful ideology that claims children must read early, preferably in kindergarten, or they are failures, and that teachers and their education schools don’t know the right way or the “science” to teach reading.
Teachers and their ed. schools are blamed when kindergartners don’t show up in first CONTINUE READING: How NCLB is Still Destroying Reading for Children