Monday, February 18, 2019

Chicago charter strike settled. – Fred Klonsky

Chicago charter strike settled. – Fred Klonsky

Chicago charter strike settled

There is a tentative agreement in the strike by CTU charter teachers against CICS.
In a statement from the CTU the agreement protects counselors and social workers, limits class sizes, and raises teacher and paraprofessional pay up to CPS standards.
The tentative agreement immediately raises paraprofessional pay to the CPS schedule. Teachers are now placed on a salary schedule with extra pay lanes for advanced degrees. They receive an immediate average raise averaging 8% and will meet or exceed CPS salary rates by the last year of the four-year agreement.
There is now sanctuary language in the contract as well as stronger language on school safety.
The agreement also includes special education language which requires CICS to provide legally mandated services for students. Educators also won guaranteed full-time staffing of teaching assistants in every kindergarten through 2nd grade class, a 7% pension pick-up and more affordable health care coverage for families.
Class size, key sticking point in negotiations, establishes  goals at 28 and barring any classroom from holding more than 30 students.
Educators, some of whom earn barely $30,000/year, will see average pay raises of CONTINUE READING: Chicago charter strike settled. – Fred Klonsky