Saturday, February 16, 2019

Chaz's School Daze: Comparing Our Contract Raises With Los Angeles And Denver

Chaz's School Daze: Comparing Our Contract Raises With Los Angeles And Denver

Comparing Our Contract Raises With Los Angeles And Denver

UFT members just received a 2% raise on Valentine's Day and the total 42 month contract (Feb 2018 -September 2022)  is 7.5% or 2% annually.  This contract was negotiated by New York City which has a multi billion dollar surplus.  How does our contract compare to the recently settled Los Angeles and Denver teacher contracts?

The Los Angeles teachers contract gave them a 6% raise for the two years, or 3% annually, despite a one billion dollar shortfall for the Los Angeles Board of Education.  Moreover, the City committed to have a full time guidance consular, librarian, and nurse for every public school. Additionally, the City will reduce class size by two students next school year.  Finally, the City agreed to a charter school moratorium for the next year.

The Denver teachers contract was all about raises.  The three year contract had an average raise of 9% or 3% annually.  Moreover, the contract increased and added steps, 20 in all, that guaranteed raises for every teacher.   Finally automatic cost of living raises, based on the local CPI will be included.

Comparing the three contracts, one can see that our annual raises are 1% lower than both Los Angeles and Denver for the length of the three contracts.  Furthermore, Denver has an improved salary step scale and a cost of living raises based on the local CPI.

The bottom line is our UFT leadership negotiated an inferior contract when it comes to annual raises.

Chaz's School Daze: Comparing Our Contract Raises With Los Angeles And Denver