Sunday, February 17, 2019

Cashing in on Kids: The School Security Gold Rush | Diane Ravitch's blog

Cashing in on Kids: The School Security Gold Rush | Diane Ravitch's blog

Cashing in on Kids: The School Security Gold Rush 

In the Public Interest is a nonpartisan organization that tracks the privatization of public services and assets.
Its latest report:
Is school security the next gold rush? A year after the harrowing school shooting in Parkland, Florida, investor cash is pouring into the school security market. But big money was already being spent on unproven technology shielded from public view. “Schools and other education-related buyers are the fifth-biggest market for surveillance systems across the world but the top market in the United States, with $2.7 billion in revenue in 2017.” The Washington Post
A warning to D.C.’s education leaders. A former board member at Indianapolis Public Schools describes her experience working with former superintendent Dr. Lewis Ferebee, who also happens to the D.C. mayor’s choice for the next D.C. Public Schools chancellor: “Under Dr. Ferebee’s leadership, we created ‘Innovation Network Schools’— partnerships between IPS and charter schools. But it turned out that Innovation Network Schools aren’t really partnerships at all. In fact, they’re an underhanded way of turning over public resources and assets to private hands.” 730DC
Huge salaries for charter school leadership. Journalist Rachel Cohen digs into charter school administrator salaries in Washington, D.C., revealing startling figures:  CONTINUE READING: Cashing in on Kids: The School Security Gold Rush | Diane Ravitch's blog