Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Where Do the LAUSD Board Members Stand? #UTLA #REDFORED #UTLAStrong #StrikeReady #March4Ed #WeAreLA

Where Do the LAUSD Board Members Stand?

Where Do the LAUSD Board Members Stand?

Privatizing forces have appropriated the language of civil rights and social justice movements, while simultaneously gutting our schools of resources and selling our schools away to corporate-run charter companies.”
– Reclaim Our Schools LA 
As noted by the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) School Board members in their joint statement dated August 21, 2018, “students and their families will bear the brunt of a strike action.” Many parents of the hundreds of thousands of students who attend District schools are scrambling to make arrangements for their children knowing that if schools remain open, LAUSD lawyers have admitted that “the health and safety of students” would be threatened and a normal academic program will be impossible to maintain. Students who depend on meals delivered by the schools are especially vulnerable as the district has not stated how these programs would be handled if schools are forced to close.
With this massive disruption at the doorstep of the District, our elected leaders have been mostly silent. Board Members seem content to let Superintendent Austin Beutner do their speaking for them. That is, with the exception of Nick Melvoin, who has been eager to express his disdain for people who would actually teach as a profession instead of using the classroom as a bridge to law school. Given Beutner’s lack of experience in education and his desire to CONTINUE READING: Where Do the LAUSD Board Members Stand?