Monday, January 7, 2019

Vaping in the Classroom | deutsch29

Vaping in the Classroom | deutsch29

Vaping in the Classroom

One of the challenges of being a public high school teacher is developing a constant awareness of what is transpiring in my classroom. Even when I conference individually with my student, my eyes and ears are open in a hyper-observant manner that I have cultivated over decades.
Of course, times change, and over those decades, what I’ve needed to pay attention to has evolved– including smoking, it seems.
Now, there’s vaping.
I saw a commercial for vaping in which the advertiser stated that vaping is meant to help smokers who are trying to quit.
Nice try.
As that advertiser was speaking, I was hearing my own high-school-classroom, overlay script:
Vaping makes it easier for teenagers to access nicotine without being detected. Why, they can even vape during class, in the classroom, and many teachers would not even realize it because it would not occur to them to even consider that it could happen. Oh, yes, and that means we will make a load of money off of teens even as we promote the idea that Smoking Is Bad for Your Health.
Vaping in class– during class! I learned that this was possible only months ago. And part of the problem for many school districts is that they may not have CONTINUE READING: Vaping in the Classroom | deutsch29