Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Headband Obsession With Student Concentration

The Headband Obsession With Student Concentration

The Headband Obsession With Student Concentration

Headbands created to collect information about student attending behavior are the latest trend. Adults monitor and gather information from students’ brains to see if they stay focused on schoolwork.
Here’s the Vulcan Post that discusses Neeuro, from just one company jumping on the headband bandwagon.
This falls into the social-emotional “good behavior” and “self-regulation” learning craze, and school districts will assuredly climb onboard like they do with everything else involving technology.
Like the Santa Anna School District which already promotes tech to monitor whether students are fidgeting while test-taking. One predicts they will be candidates for student headband monitoring.
Watch for headbands used to evaluate teachers. If the data show too many students CONTINUE READING: The Headband Obsession With Student Concentration