Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Austin Beutner Must Go #UTLAStrong #StrikeReady #March4Ed #WeAreLA

Austin Beutner Must Go
Austin Beutner Must Go

– LAUSD Board Member Scott Schmerelson
On Beutner’s handling of the labor dispute
Either Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Superintendent, Austin Buetner, is a pathological liar or he is utterly clueless. He began the week by telling the press “that about 3,500 people were taking part in pickets at the schools”. Meanwhile, tens of thousands gathered in the pouring rain to march from City Hall to the District headquarters. He has insisted that “students are safe and learning,” while the union representing his principals states that “Everything is not copacetic at all of our schools. Some schools have over 200 students with [just] one credentialed person.” His statement that “the safety and wellbeing of our students, families, and employees is our top priority” is eclipsed by the fact that District lawyers told a court that the health and safety of students with special education needs would be jeopardized if the teachers who serve them were allowed to strike.
All of these statements prove that parents cannot trust the information that is being released by the LAUSD. In order to make decisions during CONTINUE READING: Austin Beutner Must Go