Wednesday, January 9, 2019

AG opines: charters must comply with sunshine laws :: K-12 Daily :: #UTLA #REDFORED #UTLAStrong #StrikeReady #March4Ed #WeAreLA

AG opines: charters must comply with sunshine laws :: K-12 Daily :: The Essential Resource for Superintendents and the Cabinet

AG opines: charters must comply with sunshine laws

(Calif.) A new legal opinion from the state’s Department of Justice paves the way for lawmakers to finally impose clear mandates on California charter schools to comply with good governance laws.
After more than a decade of debate and dispute, Attorney General Xavier Becerra issued what might be the most definitive answer to date as to whether charter schools should be allowed to operate outside fundamental protections the public has to records and meetings of virtually all other government bodies.
In short that answer is, no, charters must comply too.
“The Charter Schools Act was intended to give charter schools ‘substantial freedom to achieve academic results free of interference by the public educational bureaucracy,’” the opinion states. “In our view, that goal is entirely consistent with allowing structured public access to the meetings and documents of these public educational institutions.
“Indeed, the Charter Schools Act itself identifies as its constituency community members as well as parents, teachers, and pupils associated with a specific charter school,” Becerra said in the 23-page analysis.
The findings come at a pivotal conjure for charters in California which, until this week, had enjoyed solid support from the state’s chief executives dating back to 1992, when Republican Gov. Pete Wilson signed the charter authorization bill.
After being pummeled by millions of dollars in attack ads during the June primary that was paid for by wealthy charter proponents, Gov. Gavin Newsom is likely to be far less sympathetic.
In the past, efforts to impose open government requirements on charters have either died in committee or drew the governor’s veto.
Indeed, just last summer there was broad support for a bill that would have required charters subject CONTINUE READING: AG opines: charters must comply with sunshine laws :: K-12 Daily :: The Essential Resource for Superintendents and the Cabinet