Monday, December 17, 2018

Mike Klonsky's Blog: Rahm's parting shots at public ed -- Goolsbee & pension theft

Mike Klonsky's Blog: Rahm's parting shots at public ed -- Goolsbee & pension theft

Rahm's parting shots at public ed -- Goolsbee & pension theft

Austan Goolsbee
Before he leaves us, our lame duck Mayor Rahm Emanuel is taking a few parting shots at the unions and progressives who helped make a third run for him a lost cause.

THE FIRST SHOT…was aimed at city workers pensions. Rahm wants to amend the State Constitution to cap cost-of-living increases for retirees and make pension theft legal. Right now the Constitution prohibits any diminishment or impairment of pension fund benefits (Article Xlll, Section 5). Previous attempts by the legislature to balance the budget on the backs of retirees have been ruled unconstitutional. Former gov, Pat Quinn lost his reelection bid to Bruce Rauner in large part because he supported failed pension left initiatives.

THE NEXT SHOT...Rahm's appointment of former Obama economic advisor and political insider Austan Goolsbee to the school board appears to be nothing but a big "F**k you" to Chicago school activists and the CTU.

Economist Goolsbee, unlike his new boss Rahm, had a pretty good line when he was working CONTINUE READING:  Mike Klonsky's Blog: Rahm's parting shots at public ed -- Goolsbee & pension theft