Monday, December 31, 2018

Is Sarah Huckabee Sanders Looking for Her Own “Rebrand” (aka WH Exit)? | deutsch29

Is Sarah Huckabee Sanders Looking for Her Own “Rebrand” (aka WH Exit)? | deutsch29

Is Sarah Huckabee Sanders Looking for Her Own “Rebrand” (aka WH Exit)?

Heads up: It’s political!

It’s New Years Eve, and here I am, thinking about Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
Sanders is the daughter of former Arkansas governor, Mike Huckabee, who in 2014 called for states to “rebrand” Common Core in order to sell it to the public. (Once he was running for president and Common Core support clearly threatened his political aspirations, in 2015, Huckabee circulated a petition to “kill” Common Core.)
It seems that daughter Sarah is hoping to do some rebranding– to her career. However, like her father’s attempt to repackage Common Core, that might be easier said than done.
According to Raw Story, it seems that Sanders wants to leave her position as White House press secretary but cannot find another job.
Furthermore, Sanders’ colleague, deputy press sec Raj Shah, has allegedly secured a position with newly-installed Supreme Court justice, Brett Kavanaugh, Inquisitr reports.
In his role as Sanders’ sidekick, Shah has been less visible (and less controversial in his statements, one might argue), and this limited visibility is likely to Shah’s advantage.
Sanders, however, has melded her career (how long this melding will last in the public memory, one can only guess) with the incredible, controversial mess that is the Trump White House. Arguably, anyone hiring Sanders drags that mess into their venue because her very public persona as Trump Defender Number One cannot simply be shaken off with a mere change of venue.
Hints of a Sanders-Shah White House exit first appeared in this June 14, 2018, CBS exclusive:
Press secretary Sarah Sanders and principal deputy press secretary Raj CONTINUE READING: 
Is Sarah Huckabee Sanders Looking for Her Own “Rebrand” (aka WH Exit)? | deutsch29