Sunday, December 16, 2018

Do all lives still matter? Asking for a little girl - enrique baloyra @nenebalo YouTube

Do all lives still matter? Asking for a little girl - YouTube

Do all lives still matter? 
Asking for a little girl

 enrique baloyra @nenebalo YouTube

On Thursday the Washington Post broke the story that an indigenous girl had died while in U.S. Customs and Border Protection custody the week before. Seven-year-old Jakelin AmeĆ­ Rosmery Caal Maquin and her father traveled over a thousand miles through some of the most inhospitable terrain in the Western Hemisphere, fleeing gang violence, extortion, and crippling poverty in their home village.
They surrendered themselves to CBP agents on December 6, then waited over five hours for a bus to transport them to an internment camp. On the way there, she started having convulsions. By the time emergency workers reached her, her body temperature was almost 106 degrees.
She died of dehydration, shock, and liver failure.
Naturally, those same pro-lifers who’ve been screaming that all lives matter are now, like, meh. Her father should’ve made better choices.
Jason Chaffetz said her death “should be a message” to others planning this journey. Why don’t we just hang her body at the border? Like a bunch of thugs marking out turf.
On Friday Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said, “This family chose to cross illegally.”
Like the secretary’s family chose to send her to private school. Just make better choices, refugees.
“It’s come to this: Threats that we won’t just take your children, but kill your children, if you dare seek safety from people who are also trying to kill your family members.”
“DHS Secretary Nielsen blames Jakelin's family for her death, but here are some of her goons happily kicking jugs of water left for migrants that could have saved her life.”
“Kirstjen Nielsen Urges Migrant Parents Leave The Weak Ones Behind “
Investigative immigration reporter Aura Bogado has documented how detainees are placed in freezing cold rooms, called “hieleras.” They’re served instant ramen for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They sleep on the cold floors. And border agents refuse to drink, cook with, or even bathe with the same contaminated water given the detainees.
This inhumane policy of teargassing refugees and putting their children in perreras was supposed to stop the flow of Central American immigration. But it’s clearly not working, and 15 thousand unaccompanied minors remain in CBP custody.
This holiday season we’re reminded the lengths to which desperate parents are willing to go to save their children.

Do all lives still matter? Asking for a little girl - YouTube